It all started with a mom
Gay Gerlack first opened the doors in 1983, in a small building on Saranap Avenue near downtown Walnut Creek. She had been looking for a positive, healthy place for her girls to learn gymnastics, but when she couldn't find it, like all great women do, she built it herself.
Gay had two wonderful daughters, Tamara and Tifany, who both loved the sport of gymnastics. She had a vision, she wanted to create a gymnastics school, unlike any other she had seen. It would include artistic and rhythmic gymnastics and dance classes too. This school would focus on all the students, with a fun and energetic atmosphere, with positive and enthusiastic coaches. At the time, this way of thinking was different than anything else in the business. So..... In 1983 Encore was born.
After six years, Gay’s daughter, Tamara, bought the gym. Tamara had big plans. She began to add more classes, and got out into the community, putting Encore into city programs and local schools. Spreading Encore's philosophy of fitness through fun. Within 3 years Encore grew by 400%. In 1991, Encore moved to 999 Bancroft Road, where we were able to meet and teach many more kids. Tamara played a huge role in bringing the sport of Rhythmic gymnastics to the Olympics and worked closely with the FIG (Olympic Committee). Encore had competitive teams for many years. Encore began hosting birthday parties, which is where we first met a large portion of this community.
In 2001, Virginia (a long-time student and employee) took over as business director and moved us in a new direction. We have always been inspired by fitness, fueled by fun, but now we were going to dive into serving more kids. To do that, we said goodbye to our competitive program and added as many classes and birthday parties as we could. We acquired a state-of-the-art Gymnastics-mobile 'Encore on Tour' to take to preschools and off-site locations to spread the fun. We brought our performance teams to community events and volunteered at Bay Area festivals. Encore grew and grew, much like James' giant peach. So much so that we were bursting at the seams. And if any of you were there for it, well beyond the limits of the parking lot! It was time for a move. All the while Encore maintained and built upon Gay's original vision of a fun and energetic atmosphere for all students to thrive.
In 2016, Encore had the opportunity to move into the Shadelands SportsMall. This was it. This is where we could grow and give our clients the service and the facility they deserve. We could custom build a gymnastics wonderland to suit our specific needs. A place that would be made for us, made for you! And here we are, 40+ years later. Teaching our Saranap Avenue’s students' grandkids. Generations of Encoreians. Our babies learn to walk here, then they learn to roll, finally to flip, many of them have their first jobs here.
Thank you for your trust in us. Thank you for sharing your life and your family. Thank you for letting us be a part of your story, because YOU are our story.
It is more than confidence and cartwheels for us but that is where it starts.