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Itty Bitty Bouncers

Walking, up to 2.5 years

Parent participation required

45 minutes

$135 per 4-week session (one class day per week)

A fun, active developmental program to introduce movement and basic gymnastic skills using gymnastics equipment, obstacle courses, and props. Parents take part in teaching their child and learning safe spotting techniques.

View Class Policies for information about membership, tuition fees, attire, and more.

Toddler Tumblers

Age 2.5 - 3.5 years

Parent participation required

45 minutes

$135 per 4-week session (one day per week)

A fun, active developmental program to introduce more structure and basic gymnastic skills using gymnastics equipment, obstacle courses and props, as well as a little free play. Parents take part in helping their child stay on task while learning safe spotting techniques. This class also helps kids to transition to Tiny Tumblers, where they will train without parent participation.

View Class Policies for information about membership, tuition fees, attire, and more.

Tiny Tumblers

Age 3 and 4 years

45 minutes

$135 per 4-week session (one day per week)

A self-esteem building program to develop physical, motor, perceptual, social, and developmentally-appropriate gymnastic skills in a safe, positive environment designed for preschoolers. Tiny Tumblers train without parent participation in the class. 

View Class Policies for information about membership, tuition fees, attire, and more.

Fantastic Fives

Age 5 years

45 minutes

$135 per 4-week session (one day per week)

Fantastic Fives is designed specifically for our five-year-old gymnasts, no matter their experience level. This transitional class prepares children to advance from the "Little Gym" program to our "Big Gym".

View Class Policies for information about membership, tuition fees, attire, and more.

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Little Gym

Walking - 5 Years

Members of our Little Gym community enjoy their own space with equipment sized and built just for them. As they grow, they begin to venture into the larger gym area, but those from 1-4 years years of age stay within our specially-designed Little Gym areas. Our coaches complete specialized child development training and bring their youthful energy to each class.  All of our Little Gym classes are co-ed.

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