EncoreGym is a family company looking for team players. Here at Encore we are dedicated to building strong, healthy, happy kids. We are always on the lookout for someone with that perfect personality that balances fun and structure, who is dependable, and a great role model for children. We believe that we can train anyone to teach cartwheels, but we can't train people to be great with kids; that comes from within. We know that someone can be the best gymnastics trainer in the world, but if kids aren't enjoying what they are doing, they will quit and then the chance to teach them is gone. If you believe that you have the energy to keep up with this active, lively place, please contact us so that we can meet you.
Career opportunities:
Gymnastics Coach
Office Staff
Birthday Party Host
Events Staff
All of the above!
Please download this application and send it to office@encoregym.com (or bring it in to our office)
so we can contact you and schedule your interview.
You can also email virginia@encoregym.com with your resumé.