This program has been designed to help children with alternative needs develop gross motor skills, strength, balance, falling safely, jumping, and landing using basic gymnastics skills and equipment. The class curriculum is enhanced by the use of visual aids (PECS) and is designed to stimulate both cognitive and motor development.
In order to provide appropriate accommodations, and to promote a safe, successful experience for our Adaptive students, all Adaptive Gymnastics classes are scheduled exclusively at those times when the gym is quieter, when there are a minimum of other concurrent programs to distract our Adaptive students.
Due to the high level of activity and stimulus outside of these special program hours, and in the interest of safety, our other programs are not designed to be suitable for students with sensory input sensitivities, nor those who have needs that require the assistance of an aide.
This program requires active parent, caregiver, or aide participation to assist the coach in teaching your child how to follow a class format. Our goal is to help children with alternative needs learn how to work in and with a group using a gymnastics class as a medium.
Ages 3-12 years
Parent/Aide/Caregiver participation is required
45 minutes
$135 per 4-week session (one day per week)
Please create an account here and then contact our hospitality team to register/waitlist.
Adaptive Gymnastics